Principal's Message

Dear Students and members of the P.S. 86 Community,
Welcome to the PS 86 Irvington School website. We invite you to explore our school and all the wonderful academic, art, and social programs which we offer our students. As principal, my goal is to ensure that every student is provided with the highest quality education in a safe and supportive learning environment. Our staff is dedicated to the future of our students as we provide opportunities for our students to work collaboratively, think critically, and communicate effectively to solve problems and be motivated learners.
As we move into another school year with a focus on parent involvement, our Special Events Committee has many events planned for our students and their families. You will see pictures from these events posted on this website. We open our doors to provide opportunities for parents/guardians to participate in their child's school experience. We pride ourselves on the culture that has been created in our school and the trusting relationships that are formed between the students, parents, and staff.
We are extremely proud of the consistent improvement in our student data. Our students are currently performing at the highest level in our school’s history on New York State assessments in both ELA and Math. Thank you for your continued support and we encourage you to keep reading to and with your children and take every opportunity to ask them questions and talk with them about anything and everything. Check their backpacks each day for assignments and notifications. Be sure they come to school on time every day, in school uniform, and ready to learn.
The P.S. 86 staff and I thank you for your anticipated support. We look forward to seeing you at one of our many family events in the near future. Thank you again for entrusting your children to us every day. We are committed to working with you to ensure your child receives the educational experiences to make him or her college and career ready. The vision of each one of our students as a successful adult is what drives our work.As always, please feel free to contact me or a member of our staff with any questions or concerns. I wish each of our students, parents, and staff members a productive and successful school year.
All the best,
Dr. Tina Moschella, Principal